Painted Denim Mash-up


My Fashion Relationship: It’s Complicated

One single style doesn’t usually do it for me. I dig mashing-up fashions like Funky + Fabulous, Mariachi + Tres Chic, Astro + Artsy. Creating Cowboy Kimonos allows me to marry unlikely fashion trends that shout, “I’m an original!” Got a dream mash-up? Create your own using the Mash-up Generator.

Painted denim custom mash-ups

Mash-up Generator

Mix & Match the styles below to make a Mash-up. Don’t know the style? Click the links! (From Sew Guide, Fashion Styles: 40 Types)

Ready to Make Your Mash-up into a Custom Painted Denim Jacket?

  1. SHARE your style mash-up with me and I’ll create a sketch.
  2. LIST your likes and dislikes, then I’ll tweak the sketch until we agree on a final design
  3. TALK COIN. Price is determined by what parts of the jacket are painted, how detailed the design is, and high or low paint coverage. I’ll prepare a quote and begin painting once we agree on price and payment.
  4. PAINT happens. Once complete, the jacket will dry for 24 hours before it ships.
  5. SHIP and SHARE. Once you get your custom Cowboy Kimono, show it off, take a pic and I’ll post it!


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