Grocery Bag Bird Ornaments



A Two-for-One Craft: Celebrate Earth Day by painting paper pollinators and honor the earth by upcycling waste found around the house. This simple craft can be made and ready to hang before Mother Earth finishes her rotation.


  • Paper Grocery Bags
  • Crayons, Paint, Markers or Paint Pens
  • Stapler
  • Shredder Paper
  • Scissors
  • Rubber Bands, String, Yarn or Ribbon
  • Bird Template


  1. Download and print bird templates
  2. Cut grocery bags down the center side folds.
  3. Turn bags inside-out so non-printed sides are showing.
  4. Layer a template on top of the bag. Bag should be folded so there are two layers.
  5. Hold the bird template in place (or lightly tape) and cut leaving a 1/2 inch margin around the outer edge of the bird. Repeat for each ornament. Keep bird shapes that were cut together, paired together.
  6. Decorate one side of each pair with crayons, paint, markers, or paint pens.
  7. Lay the decorated piece on top of the undecorated piece and staple half way around the edge of the bird. (It will look like metal stitches) Do not staple all the way around.
  8. Stuff the bird with paper from your shredder. Tuck away any wayward pieces.
  9. Place a rubber band, knotted piece of string/yarn/ribbon near the neck on the interior. Let the loop side hang out of the bird to use as a hanger. Staple in place.
  10. Finish stapling the edge of the bird.
  11. Take a photo and Tweet your handiwork!


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