Cowboy Kimono

Chalk illustration of a Street Artist on blackboard

Black and White Chalkboard Therapy

“I just want to make beautiful things even if nobody cares.”


An artist’s dream – living in a place where you can draw on the walls. As a renter in a home with blackboard paint on the kitchen door, I kinda lived that dream. Using school chalk, I would draw for hours creating images to celebrate holidays (a few of my favorites below). Although there were no paychecks attached to these illustrations, there were gobs of benefits. The stress of my day job melted, my artistic confidence bloomed, and my wandering mind stayed focused in the moment. Not having to make color decisions was one of the many reasons I found it relaxing. Admittedly, I dug the subtractive drawing vibe; erasing areas for darker values and adding chalk for the lighter values.

I no longer reside in the house with the dreamy chalkboard door and was craving some black and white chalkboard therapy. The work-around solution? Taking a rediscovered pad of black paper, a brand spanking new white pastel pencil, and drawing! I drew each subject on a separate piece of paper then scanned. (Separate images in gallery below) Once I had digital images, I placed them into a single composition using Photoshop.

This time my concept wasn’t based on a holiday. Instead, it was a play on words – harmony and harmonica. The next step was to Frankenstein words together and craft a message that flowed through the composition. “Harmony – Spread That Stuff Everywhere,” won out. Lots of tries later, I surrendered to design defeat; the message and the composition weren’t jiving. This is when not having a chalkboard door went from being a hurdle to being a springboard. This is when I realized I had all the components for an animated video. I created animated clips in Photoshop, combined and refined them (a bit) in iMovie, gathered copyright free music from YouTube creator’s studio, and built an artsy video (below). Beautiful to me (and maybe to you). “…even if nobody cares.”

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